This carving was done in and around 2004. The cane is cherry wood with gold-plating on an electrically grown nickel top crown. The ‘crown’ grew on a steel nut when the insulating cap fell off during an electrolytic reaction, so a massive crystal of solid nickel grew on the nut. A friend named Al, gave it to me in hopes I could do something with it.
The horse head is on one side and on the other is a dragon face with the flames coming from the dragon’s mouth that intertwine with the horse’s mane hair.
The cane just sits in a corner as the top is just too heavy (again, solid nickel) and is tiresome to walk with. One of my first attempts at carving so it turned out a little rougher than I hoped. Cherry wood has a lovely fine and even grain. I hope to have another try at it some day to do that, one of a kind metal-crystal crown, proper justice.