I had the opportunity to visit the exhibit before the museum closed before the March break, due to Covid-19. Here are some of my pictures, for those who couldn’t make it before it closed.
Carving Earth, Wind and a.s.a.p. – Water

I picked away at these for many sessions over the years. Since I haven’t been very active for a while, thought I’d upload some old ‘improv’ carvings.
Still have to find some picture(s) of the water staff.
The Wind Staff is from a walnut branch from a family farm, long gone. It encompasses glass, copper and leather, with a marine varish.
The Earth Staff is from found material. Not sure of the material, but it sure was hard to whittle. Big cracks were filled with sawdust and glue, and sometimes wood putty. Also a marine varnish.
Hindsight is/in 2020

I styled the President Trump “Hindsight 2020″ poster after the famous Obama ‘Hope” poster, but went with Number 45’s own glorious orange tones and complimentary blues.
This is just a little fun with Illustrator and some Photoshop. If you’re interested in a large vector copy, help yourself to the PDF of choice for some vector fun. Vestor art can be scaled up or down, to whatever size you wish.
Click links for PDF: With US lapel button With Russian lapel button
Maybe you like Number 45 or not, try and remember the last 4 years before you commit your vote. Mandela Effect optional.